Rebecca James

Rebecca James is an IT consultant with forward thinking approach toward developing IT infrastructures of SMEs. She writes to engage with individuals and raise awareness of digital security, privacy, and better IT infrastructure.

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)/ United States

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) focuses on providing security to the computers and networks against the unauthorized access. This law was introduced in 1984 when the digital era was just at its beginning. The law was enacted by the Congress and expands the previously existing privacy laws to a growing concern about computer […]

CALEA Act United States

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

In 1994, the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) was passed by the Congress. This law implements the procedures through which the telephone companies were compelled to design their equipment, facilities, and services to make it easier for the law enforcement to wiretap digital telephone calls. Later, in 2005 the Internet service providers (ISPs) […]

The History Of NSA Scandals Revealed

NSA Scandal

Here are the top stories which are covered on news media about NSA Scandals Introduction: NSA Spying on Americans is Illegal Introduction: Eavesdropping 101: What Can the NSA Do? Legal Challenges and Analysis Congressional Research Service report questioning legality of Bush Administration’s notification to Congress of NSA spying, January 18, 2006 (pdf) “Congressional Agency Questions […]

11 Surveillance Networks Around The World

Governmental Surveillance Agencies 1 – Russia Russia has at least two official surveillance agencies. One agency, the Federal Security Service (Federal’naya sluzhba bezopasnosti, or FSB) not only possesses investigatory powers, but even has its own troops. FSB also is authorized to conduct intelligence operations inside and outside Russia to enhance “the economic, scientific-technical and defense potential” of […]

Information on NSA’s Echelon Program

NSA’s Automated Surveillance Program Echelon Research Resources Patrick Poole, Deputy Director of the Center for Technology Policy (a division of the Free Congress Foundation), has compiled an extensive listing of materials concerning NSA spy program ECHELON. Duncan Campbell page Mr. Campbell was the author of “Intelligence Capabilities 2000”, and has investigated Echelon’s activities for decades. […]