in Hacking News

New Chrome Extension, HackNotice Could Save You From Hacking Attack

Chrome has launched an extension, HackNotice that can pre-alert you if, the website you have open in your chrome browser is hacked recently or not. This free service is created by Steve Thomas, the co-founder of PwnedList (which is now disgraced).

It is very common to hear that a company has lost several user data and accounts due to an intense hacking attempt. Such events happen so frequently that most people don’t even bother to quest for the fact that whether their accounts are safe or they have been stolen. HackNotice is a really useful extension which provides real-time threat intelligence to the customers.

HackNotice is an Austin based service in Texas City which could be downloaded by the users of Android, iOS, and the web. The extension updates you about your related hacks and data breaches through monitoring the hack, notifying about the hacks which affect you, and also provide the guideline for getting out and reducing the hack risks of identity leaks.

This free Chrome extension lets you customize the option for a specific domain you want to monitor. However, there are 110 already present suggestions for popular social media, e-commerce, cryptocurrency, financial, and other sites that hold more sensitive data you might want to monitor.

HackNotice not only assists in real-time alerts but also encompass the historical data for 20,000 “hack notices” of 10 years.

HackNotice’s Usage

HackNotice chrome extension is simple to use; however, the installation and setup process is bit complex. You need to install the extension from your browser and then to sign up for the account you are required to access HackNotice’s website.

Then you are taken to the enormous dashboard, yet ignore it for now and go to the websites left sidebar and click “Preference”. Now scroll down and go to the “Chrome Browser Extension” listing. Then click on “Generate Key” which is a necessary step to configure the extension for the future warning.

You need to paste this key after clicking the HackNotice’s icon near the Chrome URL bar and then press “Submit”. With this step, you will get a notification that it is working and you can go back to your regular web browsing. However, if you get a bottom display that the site you are visiting is hacked, then you must browse carefully and change the password if it is password requiring website such as Facebook.

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