How to Spot a Phishing Scam a Mile Away

Scams aren’t a new concept, but they’ve affected more places in recent years. Thanks to our more modern, technology-based age and penchant for social media, we see more scam calls and emails than ever before. Scammers will tell you anything to get money from you, including fake job offers, prizes or late bills. You need […]
How to Disable WebRTC in Different Browsers?

WebRTC is an Application Programming Interface (API). W3C develops this innovative technology, and it is still evolving. The prime aim of WebRTC is to allow P2P communication among different web browsers. It is a type of communication which is used to transfer various kinds of data such as, files, video, and audio. Moreover, it is […]
Difference Between IPv6 and IPv4? Explained
What is a NAT Firewall? Complete Guide 2020
CISOs plan to seek more investment into cybersecurity

According to the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) which is an industry consortium dedicated to reducing cyber-risk in the global financial system -several CISOs have decided to ask the CFO of various financial institutions an increase in the cybersecurity investment. As stated by the CEO of FS-ISAC, Steve Silberstein, “The advancement and […]
Why Singapore Experiences So Many Cyber Attacks?

Singapore is one of the most digitally advanced nations in the world, but like many other destinations, it has room for improvement regarding cybersecurity. Unfortunately, making progress in that area won’t be easy, and that’s largely because many things contribute to the elevated cyberattack risk in Singapore. Health Records Recently Seized Medical data is of […]
Steps Towards The Security of Small Business or Start-ups!
Reports of Newark Cancer patients being under data breach since June 2018

Patients under the care of Newark based Medical Oncology Hematology Consultants (MOHC) are now being notified of the data breach that occurred a year ago. As per the officials, the cancer provider became a victim to the cyber-attack that occurred by targeting a practice email account on June 7 or 8 2018. The notification received […]
The Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and Fourteen Eyes | How They Impact Users!

To an average person, the term ‘Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and Fourteen Eyes’ sound like a newspaper headline. A headline which informs citizens of the aliens invading from outer space. However, as much as we want to, we can’t live in a make-believe sci-fi world. The reality of what Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and Fourteen […]